You will have a number of opportunities to hear about our research at the 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’18), starting this Sunday:

  • Darío Garigliotti and Shuo Zhang will present their thesis work at the Doctoral Consortium on Sunday, July 8.
  • Shuo Zhang will present the demo SmartTable: A Spreadsheet Program with Intelligent Assistance on Monday, July 9 (15:30 – 17:00) [PDF].
  • Shuo Zhang will present the full paper On-the-fly Table Generation on Wednesday, July 11 (9:00–10:30, Session 5B: Entities) [PDF].
  • Krisztian Balog will give a keynote (Table Retrieval and Generation) at the DATA:SEARCH’18 workshop on Thursday, July 12 (13:30-14:30).

SIGIR’17 contributions

We have a number of contributions accepted at this year’s ACM SIGIR conference.

  • EntiTables: Smart Assistance for Entity-Focused Tables” (full paper) by S. Zhang and K. Balog [PDF].
  • Dynamic Factual Summaries for Entity Cards” (full paper) by F. Hasibi, K. Balog, and S. E. Bratsberg [PDF].
  • Target Type Identification for Entity-Bearing Queries” (short paper) by D. Garigliotti, F. Hasibi, and K. Balog [PDF].
  • Generating Query Suggestions to Support Task-Based Search” (short paper) by D. Garigliotti and K. Balog [PDF].
  • DBpedia-Entity v2: A Test Collection for Entity Search” (resource paper) by F. Hasibi, F. Nikolaev, C. Xiong, K. Balog, S. E. Bratsberg, A. Kotov, and J. Callan [PDF].
  • Nordlys: A Toolkit for Entity-Oriented and Semantic Search” (demo paper) by F. Hasibi, K. Balog, D. Garigliotti, and S. Zhang [PDF].

See you in Japan 😉


This week, we are presenting two papers at the 39th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR ’17) in Aberdeen, Scotland UK.

  • Entity Linking in Queries: Efficiency vs. Effectiveness“, a full paper by Faegheh Hasibi, Krisztian Balog, and Svein Erik Bratsberg [PDF]
  • Design Patterns for Fusion-Based Object Retrieval“, a short paper by Shuo Zhang and Krisztian Balog [PDF]