Trustworthy journalism through AI, co-authored by Vinay Setty, has been accepted in the Data & Knowledge Engineering journal and is now available here.
SIGIR’23 paper on Multi-Goal Conversational Dataset for e-Commerce
MG-ShopDial: A Multi-Goal Conversational Dataset for e-Commerce by Nolwenn Bernard and Krisztian Balog has been accepted at the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR’23) as a resource paper.
JCDL’23 paper on Extreme Classification for Answer Type Prediction
Extreme Classification for Answer Type Prediction in Question Answering by Vinay Setty has been accepted at Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL’23) as a short paper.
Simone Borg Bruun visits IAI
Simone Borg Bruun is a third-year PhD student affiliated with the University of Copenhagen and Alka Forsikring. She is working on recommender systems for the insurance domain. Her research interests include learning from sparse and dynamic user actions, multimodal learning, and explainability. Simone will be spending 2 months with us.
UserSimCRS paper presented at WSDM’23
UserSimCRS is an extensible user simulation toolkit for evaluating conversational recommender systems developed by Jafar Afzali, Krisztian Balog, Nolwenn Bernard, Aleksander Drzewiecki, and Shuo Zhang. This work has been presented at the 16th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM ’23), in Singapore. Have a look at the demo paper or the toolkit for more details.
IAI at the Conversational Assistance Track at TREC’22
The paper describing our participation at the TREC 2022 Conversational Assistance Track is now available here.
ECIR’23 reproducibility paper on Conversational Search Systems
The paper From Baseline to Top Performer: A Reproducibility Study of Approaches at the 2021 TREC Conversational Assistance Track by Weronika Łajewska and Krisztian Balog has been accepted at the 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR’23). A preprint is available here.
Trond Linjordet defends PhD thesis
Today, Trond Linjordet has successfully defended his PhD thesis: A Critical Look at the Evaluation of Knowledge Graph Question Answering. His opponents were Stefano Mizzaro (University of Udine, Italy) and Maria Maistro (University of Copenhagen, Denmark).
Congratulations Dr. Linjordet!
[Thesis][Flickr photo album]
IAI outing and hackathon
We spent a day in Utstein Monastery Hotel in Mosterøy working on bringing back to life and planning further development of our conversational movie recommender system, the IAI MovieBot. The outing was devoted to discussions, hands-on coding, and group activities. The original IAI MovieBot is described in a CIKM’20 demo paper [PDF]. Photos from the outing can be found here.