This year’s Microsoft BCS/BCS IRSG Karen Spärck Jones Award was awarded to Krisztian Balog. He will give a keynote talk at ECIR 2019 in Cologne.
Two journal papers on evaluation
The Journal of Data and Information Quality (ACM JDIQ) had a two-parts special issue on Reproducibility in Information Retrieval. There are two papers in there, co-authored by Krisztian Balog:
CIKM’18 short paper
Darío Garigliotti has presented our work IntentsKB: A Knowledge Base of Entity-Oriented Search Intents at the CIKM’18 conference this week.
Entity-Oriented Search book
The open-access book, Entity-Oriented Search, by Krisztian Balog is now available online.
ICTIR’18 paper
Heng Ding has presented our paper Generating High-Quality Query Suggestion Candidates for Task-Based Search at the ICTIR’18 conference this week.
Some time away
In the coming months, we will be away visiting other research groups. Krisztian Balog will spend a year-long sabbatical at Google, London, UK, while the PhD students will each do a 3-months internship: Shuo Zhang at Bloomberg, London, UK, Darío Garigliotti at Signal Media, London, UK, and Trond Linjordet at ILPS, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
SIGIR Test of Time Honorable Mention Award
The SIGIR 2006 paper Formal Models for Expert Finding in Enterprise Corpora by Krisztian Balog, Leif Azzopardi, and Maarten de Rijke was awarded with a Test of Time Honorable Mention Award at this year’s SIGIR conference. The paper has over 680 citations according to Google Scholar at the time of writing. (Fun fact: this was Krisztian’s very first SIGIR paper.)
You will have a number of opportunities to hear about our research at the 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’18), starting this Sunday:
- Darío Garigliotti and Shuo Zhang will present their thesis work at the Doctoral Consortium on Sunday, July 8.
- Shuo Zhang will present the demo SmartTable: A Spreadsheet Program with Intelligent Assistance on Monday, July 9 (15:30 – 17:00) [PDF].
- Shuo Zhang will present the full paper On-the-fly Table Generation on Wednesday, July 11 (9:00–10:30, Session 5B: Entities) [PDF].
- Krisztian Balog will give a keynote (Table Retrieval and Generation) at the DATA:SEARCH’18 workshop on Thursday, July 12 (13:30-14:30).